Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Goals new Line

Finally getting around to blogging about what I spend my free time doing, rather than just talking to my best friend and fellow crafter, Jan.   Today I began working on a new sculpture.  I'm continuing my Sexy working women line.  My first Staci, the nurse was completed a few days ago. I just need to finish her stand and then She'll be ready to sell.  All proceeds will go toward more craft stuff, cause quite frankly I want to try that.  I need to get better pictures of her, as this was taken out of the light box and just snapped so I could share her with my friend Jan.   Stacy without the nurse cap stands at 7.5 inches tall.  I'll add better photo's when I've finished her base.

I've added a few pictures of Staci above.  My sister Amanda  picked out her name.  I'm quite pleased with her. She is my first finished human sculpture since my hand surgeries and only my second sculpture at all.  My dexterity isn't what it used to be, but working in the clay seems to be helping rebuild the muscle strength.

I have found a wonderful artist to watch on YouTube.  David Lemon is a bronze sculpting artist and his videos have memorized me.  He goes by clayguy1 on YouTube.   I literally watched him for days.  Although he doesn't use polymer clay, his techniques could easily be applied to our favorite medium. I've added a link to Davids Youtube channel below.

David Lemons Youtube Channel

Here's hoping you're finding this intersting.